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Our waldSPA is a natural place of tranquility.
A place where your loved ones can experience the original treasure of the local forest
and alpine nature as a source of strength.

It is our constant desire to offer our guests exclusive treatment rituals with deep, lasting effects,
which bring the body into its natural balance and create a sense of well-being on all levels,
so that you can face the demands of everyday life with serenity and strength.

Our waldYURVEDA treatment concept is a symbiosis of Ayurvedic elements and alpine health knowledge with a special focus on effects.
The treatments are specifically adapted to the type (Dosha) and the needs of the guest and guarantee a unique treatment result.

Extend the enjoyment of this treatment and add a forehead casting.

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+ 120,00 EUR 
+ 160,00 EUR 
+ 110,00 EUR 
+ 110,00 EUR 
+ 180,00 EUR 